Monday, January 21, 2013

It's a new year!

With new beginnings! So much has changed in my life for the better. I'm so excited to see what 2013 holds for me and I know it can only be good things now that I have my sweet boy, Julian. I never knew I could feel this kind of love for another person. He has made me a morning person if you can believe it. I just love waking up to his adorable cooing and smiles.

I am new to blogging so you'll have to bear with me. However, this is meant for family and friends to stay updated on what's going on with Julian and for me to document Julian's life as he reaches precious milestones, so I know you will all forgive me if I mess up. :)

For now I will just let you all know what's new with us and I plan to make another post to document our history.

Julian is doing great! He loves to babble and coo. He's such a smiley boy! Ryan and I swear he repeats what we say sometimes, who knew we'd have to watch our mouths so soon! ;) He's growing like a weed. At our last appointment he was 12 weeks old and he weighed almost 15 lbs and his height was 24 in! He has had an appointment with the ophthalmologist who diagnosed him with nystagmus which explains why he wasn't focusing on our faces. Congenital or infantile nystagmus is a clinical sign that may take many different forms. Involuntary, rhythmic eye movements are characteristics of nystagmus. We won't know how well he is seeing until he is older and able to give us feedback. The doctor also told us his eyes are perfectly fine it's his brain not making the connection which is most likely because of his ventriculomegaly. We have another ultrasound coming up to measure his ventricles to compare them to his ultrasound from last month. That will allow us to know if and how much his ventricles are growing. He also has an MRI coming up in February, which I am NOT looking forward to because he has to be sedated. :( I will give an update when we get results. We're hoping the MRI gives us a more definitive answer to whether he has ventriculomegaly caused by aqueductal stenosis or if he has agenesis of the corpus callosum. Whatever the diagnosis is we are hoping Julian doesn't show too many signs or symptoms because they can both make his later years somewhat difficult. But no matter what we will make it through because we are a strong family and have faced much more difficult situations. Ryan and I have walked through fire together and we will do it over again for Julian if need be. I know this will make Julian a strong little boy and a stronger man!

Thanks for now! I'll update you soon after Julian's next appointments.